To book any of our services, feel free to reach out through the contact form on the left side of this page, email or call (506)608-7468.
In an effort to keep our prices affordable we price each project on an individual basis. We try to meet, whether in person or over the phone and discuss your needs to come up with a plan and a price that works for everybody. Having said this, there are some prices we can't control.
When recording, artists may need to source their own musicians. These fees are not included in the contract with Creekside Sound. We can provide a list of local musicians that we can either connect you with or contact on your behalf, however, their fees are separate and set by the individual musician. Mastering services are also not provided by Creekside Sound but can be arranged on your behalf. Once again, these charges are set by the individual performing the work and will not be included in our fees unless specifically agreed upon prior to sending the files for mastering.
Please feel free to inquire about any of our services using the above mentioned contact methods! We want to talk to you!